Getting Back in the Groove

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

For the past few days, I have been feeling rather “bleh.” I’ve been fighting a cold, and on top of that- I’ve just been exhausted. So, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I opted to sleep in. Although I felt discouraged for not working out (I tend to beat myself up over things like that), my body so needed it. I tend to push myself to breaking point when it comes to this. I don’t necessarily work out too much; but waking up early to workout, going to school, working, and doing hours of homework at night tend to weigh pretty heavily on me. I usually don’t take a break, and I just end up getting really sick. This week was progress for me! Although I’m still pretty tired, I feel much better today! This morning I was able to wake up on time and go for a two mile run. It was nice to get back into the groove of things.

Today is Valentine’s Day!! I am a total sucker for holidays of all kind. I have always loved Valentine’s Day- I loved getting to exchange the Valentine’s cards in class in elementary school, and we almost always had a party! Single or taken, Valentine’s Day is a great day to tell those you love how much you appreciate them 🙂

That being said…today is another typical Friday for me. I had class until noon, so now I’m hanging out at school until it’s time for me to go to Girls on the Run. Ben and I plan to hang out when I get home, but we probably won’t go to dinner or anything tonight because it’s just SO busy! Maybe we’ll go out for some frozen yogurt 🙂

I hope you all have a great Valentine’s Day!

Do you enjoy Valentine’s Day?

Do you tend to be mindful about your rest days?

What are your plans for tonight?